it was a dream

By changminini

USBONG HIMIG: Biblical Bowl

Usbong Himig 2011-2012

Here I am with the MVPs of today's activity, Biblical Bowl, AJ & Bryan.

This week is National Bible Week and Usbong Himig made strips of papers with scriptures to be passed to the school population. It was planned to be done over this whole week, but schedule conflicts prevailed. We did it for one day, which was today.

It was fun. I am happy.

These boys really went all out, especially AJ. Haha, it was really cute how they were shy and really going everywhere to give away the handmade scriptures.. talk about effort. :)

It made me happy, really. ^__^' Different courses and yet they still did it together :) They had a BOX which was filled! And they distributed it all. So adorkable. Seriously. <3

Well, just one of the many.. :)

January 27, 2012 - Friday :)

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