Come Rain or Shine

By Ceb1977

Speak Up, Speak Out - Holocaust Memorial Day 2012

Every year on 27 January, the world marks Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD).

On HMD, we share the memory of the millions who have been murdered in the Holocaust and subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur in order to challenge hatred and persecution in the UK today.

The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 asks us all to "Speak Up, Speak Out" to create a safer, better future - to think about the rights, responsibility and duty we all have to speak up when we see or hear something which we believe to be wrong. It challenges us to learn about what happens when we don't speak out and what can happen when we do use our voice.

I went along this lunchtime to the Winter Gardens in Sheffield to capture the opening of the Holocaust Memorial Day Poster Exhibition which runs over the weekend. The Lord Mayor popped up again to open proceedings alongside the Sheffield's chief Rabbi. Everyone was then invited to light a candle in memory of those lost to the persecution of others.

For such a poignant subject, I thought more could have been made of the occasion than the basic storyboard that was put up and the tressle table of tea lights but I hope I've managed to squeeze some 'emotion' out of the shot I've taken to mark the event.

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