Away with the fairies

A nice day in the big room - so civilised and such fun, and they understand my jokes.
Came home via a ringfort, as you do. BAT reminded me that the other name for them is fairy forts and much superstition surrounds them. Very rarely will a farmer disturb them for it is considered extremely unlucky to upset the fairyfolk that live within , and I susppose that's why so many remain unscathed. Occasionally you will hear of some hapless chap who ploughed up a ringfort and inevitably something dreadful will have befallen him, usually fatal. There are all sorts of tales of fairies abducting foolish humans who venture into one (gulp) - the human is returned several days later and is never the same again! I have to say I felt quite at home here - I'm obviously away with the fairies already.
Today's blip is the waterlogged ditch of the impressive ringfort I managed to visit twice yesterday!!! Trees are growing from the base in wild and wonderful shapes looking just like strange prehistoric animals.

A little bit of appropriate music to make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck!!

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