Being a 68whiskey

By JStepMed

Mod 1

So tomorrow is our first module exam which covers seven chapters one being anatomy and physiology one being pathophysiology needless to say we are all a bit stressed out...also the sergeants woke up on the wrong side of the bed it seemed like but we got motivated pretty quickly after some eight count pushups. Those suck btw. Oh and we ran four miles today that was actually fun which leads me to wondering why I haven't put the cigs down yet. There really isn't mug healthy about the army you get little sleep, bust your ass for extremely long hours, wear your body out, chow is pretty poor, you're stressed so 90% of the military smokes...and yet the sense of pride you feel just donning the uniform makes it worth it. We all know that we haven't really had a chance to serve our country yet but the desire is there and the eagerness burns brightly in every private regardless of the reason we joined. It's strange because wherever you go it's like being a super hero, people thank you constantly and you can see that glimmer in parent's eyes. By the mere fact that we are part of something bigger and better than ourselves we find strength to do things we would never do on our own. Of course there's a ton of bullshit we go through and every mining is accompanied by that thought "man this is some bull..." You spend so much time with people that often times you know them better than friends you've had for years. Day by day you feel this development from civilian to soldier and that's what it's really all about getting prepared to do what we have to when we're called. Support your armed force, we only take 3% of the governments total GDP so it's a small price to pay.

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