Call Me Al.

By callme

Fluorescent fear.

Having manage to meet up with old friends at the wedding last weekend I'd arranged to go out to dinner tonight with one of them to catch up further as his wife was off out at a reunion of her own. We ended up meeting up with two other old Uni friends whom I haven't seen in close on 10 years. Strange how after all that time some people hardly change. So a nice meal and some drinks later we all made our separate ways homeward with promises to keep in touch more often now.

When I first met Mrs Al the above piece was one of a pair that were already in her house. They were, I think, part of her brother's final year project from Art school that had subsequently made their way North.

Initially hung in the spare room, the most entertaining point about them is their tendency to glow fluorescently when the lights are turned out. I never grew tired of spooking out visitors by not telling them about this and enjoying their reactions to the glowing paintings on the walls.

I know ..." simple things"

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