
By justbrian

Jan 30+1 challenge : Portrait

this is a photo of Shaun, he is one of the Barbers at the place I go to. His boss is this chap

When I showed the printed version of Dave's photo he wanted one done of himself, I have two which I'm still working on.

I forgot to mention the last couple of days that I have a little visitor to my kitchen in the form of a mouse, now Before any of you say anything I have been trying to trap it and poison it, unsuccessfully as it happens, what I've found is the little blighter can take any food from the "little nipper" trap without setting it off and it seems to scoff the poison as if it were chocolate drops, I have now bought a humane trap in which I hope I can catch them then release them miles away, provided I haven't poisoned it in the mean time.

If I catch it humanely then I'll blip it !

This portrait of Shaun ( great name for a barber don't you think ?) is the last in the jan challenge 30+1.

I'm looking forward to the Feb challenges.

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