Time for a change ...

By asheepdogdiary

Day 27 - Dinner

Chargrilled Peppers and Asparagus Pizza
Total calories = 430 - for the whole lot!

Well, pizza it is. Real comfort food for me. The last 5 days have been great diet-wise, however, due to 'neighbour' problems, financial worries and doggy worries the evenings haven't been great. When no one else to turn to for comfort I've turned to my ol' friend of the last 5 years ... food!

So, tonight, armed with the knowledge I was expecting problems on arrival at home I got 'diet wise'. Carbohydrates seem to be what my body wants when things get tough so that's what it's getting tonight! However, I've been crafty, I have bought a very lovely, low calorie and very, very low fat pizza!

Will I eat the whole pizza? I don't know, the evening is not yet over! The good news is that the calorie count for the whole pizza is well within my allowance for this evening :)

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