Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


I usually walk to the doctor's surgery, and left the house intending to do this for my 11am injection appointment, but the weather turned a bit nasty and I chickened out and took the car, feeling really guilty as I did so. The doc and I had our usual good chat while he prepared and administered the hormone injection. A big topic was the arrest yesterday of a former government junior minister on suspicion of fraud. The minister in question has an office in the same building as my doctor, so he (the doc) had been witness to the excitement when six members of the Fraud Squad turned up and took over the quite small office.

I'd had the foresight to bring the camera with me on account of being in the car, so I decided to take myself off somewhere where I could make up for the walk I'd missed earlier (fortunately, the weather had cleared up while I was with the doc). St Anne's Park got the nod. I parked near the entrance to the Rose Garden, wondering if perhaps the early onset of Spring might have enticed some buds to pop out their heads. I'd been thinking in terms of the Rose Garden itself, but was only just inside the gate when I spotted a patch of crocuses. Down I got in the rather mucky earth to try to get up close and personal (something I haven't really tried before with the new camera). This was my favourite when it came to decision time.

I got in a pretty good walk, through the Rose Garden, out onto the main avenue and up to the top of it, then back out through the Red Stables, completing the circle back to the car just as the rain came on again. Back home I treated myself to a bit of a nap, then fed myself, watched some evening TV and listened to some more music through the new speakers.

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