that's what we call it now, because we took Piet Hein and charged him 5 euro .
It was amazing to see how much more ice had formed there, the former icicles with grass in it were so thick that we did not see the grass any longer.
There are more places now that I discover where ice is formed along the little streams of water. And along the Weser the reed has beautiful ice around their feet.
The sun is warmer now because there is not much wind and it feels as we dance along the path.
Did we have only grey days round Christmas, now it feels like wintersport days. No snow, but blue sky and a twinkling in the air.
Obsessed as I was by the icicles I failed on our walk to show to Piet Hein a branch from a tree, a japanese zen branch if you like. I had already made photos of it the last two days and Piet Hein can use one of those, together with a poem of himself for his blog soon.

My haiku:

Branch above the stream
You make me think of flowing
Where the wind me blows

And the latin proverb:

If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.

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