Red Glasses

By redglasses

First Impressions

For those of you who are familiar with/regular visitors to/inhabitants of Edinburgh, you may recognise this. Sitting atop a beautiful old stone building (that houses Top Shop) is this wee silver ornament. There is extensive scaffolding around the building- I think the stonework is being renovated or something - and there are two rather large, gawdy adverts for Top Shop across the scaffolding (I decided to crop, the whole image looked rubbish with the advert in...) Princes street is in a bit of a mess at the moment. The tram works have the whole thing dug up and the pedestrians seem to be funnelled here there and everywhere. Not that I am anti-tram, I've never been on one, so I am rather excited - despite the fact they'll be completed long after I have left Edinburgh. Can't help but imagine you would be a bit miffed if you had come here to see the city, to find not one (roadworks) but two (scaffolding) things that not only disrupt the view, but the ease of access in the city.

Still, progress requires work. Speaking of which, I hope you like the processing, finally sat down to play with filters and stuff that mum showed me a while ago.

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