Red Glasses

By redglasses

About Time

Today we had Musicology class, lectures that always inspire and are interesting to be engaged with. However - I couldn't resist a massive grin that spread across my face when this reading was handed out for next week. I love my course and I love that music like metal is beginning to have better representation in not only the study of musicology, but especially in institutions like Edinburgh Uni. I don't think the world is quite ready for Meshuggah and Rammstein in the recitals and classes of the undergraduate (certainly not here, for a while at least), but one small step for metal, one giant step for mankind...

Couldn't believe that high schools no longer offer free music tuition. It's diabolical. People like myself and all the folk I know who have graduated from universities and colleges throughout the UK wouldn't be where they are now if it wasn't for the availability of music lessons at school. It's a damning situation, thats for sure.

Ho hum. I have to use a calculator in research class tomorrow, better get a good night's sleep... It's been a while since I used that part of my brain...

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