East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Frangipani flowers

Finally - this is the first flowering for 2 or 3 years. I cut the old frangipani trees back a few years ago and haven't had a flower since! They are also not getting as much sun as they used to as some of the other trees are now shading them. However, a year or so ago I planted out a couple of cuttings which are still only small trees, but lo and behold, when I went outside today I spotted these beautiful flowers on one of them. I am sooo pleased as I have really missed their flowers in summer. They usually flower earlier than this but better late than never.

We have had our first really sunny day today for over a week so it was good to get outside for a while. The rain has made the weeds take over though:(
The flood situation here is fine - we were only cut off for a day here in town but there are still areas around us experiencing flooding. A man drowned when his car was washed away at Coutts Crossing near Grafton the day before yesterday - very tragic.

I haven't had any opportunities to blip lately, mainly because of the weather but also have had rather a busy time with other things demanding too much attention - one of which was seven stitches in my leg which slowed me down a bit (had a thingy removed and it's all good thankgoodness). The ocean and river waters have been a muddy brown from the flooding also, so not very pretty. I have been checking out everyone's blips though - just haven't had a chance to comment.

I had the stitches out of my leg today but still have to be careful for another week or so as a little section hasn't quite healed as well as it should have - so no walking on the beach for a while and I'm really frustrated that I can't get into the garden and tidy it up etc.

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