2/29 Refrigerator

Oh how lovely it is, to have a newly cleared expanse of kitchen worktop, newly built (and filled) shelves in the kitchen, the wardrobe finally in Ben's room, a painted ceiling, and fence panels ready to drop in.

Mum, Dad, Steve and Ben have worked hard today and been hungry. I've been to the dentist and missed lunch and been hungry. Charley has just been hungry.

It's been a very productive day.

We've also discovered just how much alcohol there is in the house now it all lives in one place and there seems to be an awful lot of alcohol, and very little drinking of it. Steve started putting that right by offering everybody else whisky in their coffee last night, putting whisky in the gravy this evening, and then mum and I also had a wee dram afterwards.

Ben and I spent a very lovely half hour or so putting his clothes into his wardrobe this evening before bed, and then I found his old bee suit which he's ended up wearing to bed. I can't help thinking he might bee a little warm tonight but hey ho. Must make sure our pyjamas are warm then we won't mind when he kicks the covers off at 4am. I can put Charley's clothes away tomorrow, I'm really looking forward to that!

And the refrigerator somehow became overrun with dinosaurs. (I had to break into a new wedge of Brie (I blame the packaging, rather than the whisky, for the amount of time it took to open it. I should've just let the dinosaurs get on with it shouldn't I) for this blip. Such are the hardships we go through for blipfoto....)

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