jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Or more accurately, bicycles, trains, and buggies.

And feet, I suppose you could and should count feet in there as well.

Walked to toddler group (the long walk across the road) and made a lion mask and decorated a lion biscuit (a round biscuit for cheese, spread with cheese spread and topped with grated cheese and a couple of raisins), walked home, Ben fell asleep. Aaargh. At midday just when I really needed to get lunch and sort things out ready for the afternoon. Woke him up just before 1 after I'd made him a packed lunch and attempted to eat something myself and got the bike all ready. Cycled to Libbys and dropped Ben off (Ben even gave me a kiss and waved 'bye and no tears or anything!), cycled to the train station and caught the right train and got to the dentist early for the first time ever.

Half an hour of misery. Scratchy scratchy scratchy went the file down the inside of my tooth. For the whole half hour. *shudder*

And I had to pay for the privilege too, this time. Not entirely sure which course of treatment it belonged to, I didn't have to pay anything last time. Anyway.

Back to the station, back on the train, back on the bike, back to Libby's, played with the boys, drank a much-needed cup of tea, waited for 4.30 so I could eat (thankyou banana cake for working, and being an easy-to-eat quick source of calories) and parcelled Ben back onto the bike and cycled home.

And once I'd got some more cake into me, strapped Ben into the buggy (he was offered a choice: buggy or wrap) and quick-marched to the shop for bits for tea.

Stress is enormously exhausting. That half hour at the dentist has knackered me out. (And the cycling. I am pretty unfit, it would appear.)

All in all, it's not really been that bad a day - I'm just struggling a little to put a positive spin on it because so many bits of me hurt for one reason or another! Need a good night's sleep. Painting tomorrow morning with another friend and her little boy, so I should really do a little bit of tidying up....

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