A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

The birds and the sea

Mornings can never be totally lazy at the Webster: food implies going down to the dining room, the cleaning ladies are making their rounds on the floor, knocking on doors, and the need for a coffee implies (during the week) going out. But today was lazy-ish. Slow.

Made my way to the Museum of Jewish Heritage, in Battery Park. I had wanted to visit since last year, but somehow always pushed the visit to later.

Afterward, I wandered in Battery Park, enjoying the sun. Had lunch. Bought myself a nice pastry and coffee, that I took, sitting on a bench, looking at the sun and the water and the ferries. February at home is (typically) the coldest month. In New York, this year, the birds are very confused. I disturbed the mating of 2. I saw birds flying in formation, towards the north, because why should they migrate now. And the squirrels were having a ball. Dogs, kids, babies, walkers, runners, skaters.

Just a cosy afternoon, followed by a nice dinner with the girls, and a cosy night in my room. Tomorrow, more going out. But now, while I look for the verbs I left in the Museum, rest.

Museum of Jewish Heritage

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