Mary Gauthier, Tania Elizabeth (& Tim O'Brien)

We had a long planned trip to Glasgow today to meet with friends and take in a Celtic Connections gig. It was also something of a celebration of the termination of deadline pain.

Glasgow is such a contrast to Edinburgh. The straight line streets and grids of the central area from Queen Street station and George Square down to Merchant City and St Andrew's in the Square (a beautiful venue) where the concert was held are such a contrast to the higgledy piggledy Edinburgh Old Town (and of course much more metropolitan than the New Town which is at least regular in its design). In one short visit, we got to take in Babbity Bowser's pub complete with live music jam session, remarkably good value Italian meal, and the aforesaid concert.

This was Mary Gauthier, whom we had seen once a number of years ago in Cabaret Voltaire in Edinburgh, but who was an unfamiliar musical figure for our younger companions. We seem to recall that when we saw her playing before she had a small male backing band of no particular distinction. This time she played with a remarkable Canadian violinist Tania Elizabeth, just a smidgeon of self generated electronic base and percussion (on foot controls?), and - in a final encore - with Tim O'Brien, well known through Transatlantic Sessions - who had been the supporting act this time around.

Gauthier is a remarkable artist, laying her pain and emotion plain in the lyrics and music. Why she isn't as celebrated as people like Leonard Cohen and KD Lang is a mystery to me.

A great evening, topped off with a quick drink in another pub, and back on the 11pm train.

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