In the moment..

By MoshersMoll

Decaying beauty

"What blossoms beautifully, withers fast"

I find myself in a contemplative, reflective mood this afternoon. Probably over-analysing the thoughts in my head again. Now I typed the above proverb, I'm thinking of the deeper meaning to that too. Relating it to relationships and connections in my life. Time to distract myself from my own thoughts, maybe a good book will do the trick. I am thoroughly enjoying The Snow Tourist at present, written by Charlie English.

Speaking of snow, I got my fix again today out in the great white outdoors. A couple of hours walking through woodland. A lack of lovely sunshine like yesterday unfortunately, so with the minus 7 degrees and increased wind, it was bitterly cold. None of the photos took my fancy, lacking in interest or contrast, so decided to snap the wilting tulips on my windowsill with the fabulous snowy field to the rear providing the backdrop.

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