Think & Shoot & Think

By micmoment

The weak one dies first

When you still have to convince yourself.... it implies something.

Things kinda ended on a low note tonight. Shame on this Sagittarian.
Still gettin' screwed up by my own words. My brain has to work faster.
Or maybe I gotta work on my english. Things are just gonna get better.

I hope.

Because I only have the ability to cry when I'm alone.

Hence, there is actually no perfect guide in a relationship. We all have to take risks and make mistakes, then learn from it. But sometimes for certain cases, things might be a little different. One mistake is all it takes for it to backfire. As a matter of fact, it tells us if the r/s will actually work out or not. That's where two person brave storms and go through fun times :)


True confidence leaves no room for jealousy.

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