Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Wow, at least four inches of snow overnight, well between 6PM Saturday and 2am Sunday when I looked out and guessed we probably wouldn't be seeing our friends from Oxfordshire today. So it proved, the sensible option was taken and a visit has been rescheduled.

Decided against trying to move the car at all today so Church was definately not an option. Carys had had Daddy (and unofficially me) awake since 5am so it was going to be a long day. Daddy had a lie in and then just after 09.30 he was woken up and left in charge while I went for a run. It reminded me of training on Merthyr Mawr, going not very far, not very fast for an awful lot of effort. It was pretty though.

When I got back we got the kids dressed in outdoor stuff and headed out. William insisted on going down the slope on his own sledge on his own immediately. Not the best idea as he came off, face first. "I no like 'no, Mummy". He was persuaded to try again and only came off once more and there was more giggles than cries of not liking 'no.

Carys then decided she wanted to make a Snowman so we all headed back into the garden. Snowangels and a snowman were made and the drive was cleared of snow.

After lunch we played games and read books in the living room while struggling to watch Wales win the rugby (just). Not sure what to do tomorrow, school will be open and walking there won't be a problem. However I had a trip to the gym planned and then I am supposed to go to the Breastfeeding Drop-in and I'm really not to enamoured with the idea of driving right now. I have seen too many cars slipsliding in our cul-d-sac today to think it will be easy to get off the estate tomorrow as it is all freezing again.

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