lensed by refreshment

Wasn't that bad being back at work though getting in on the earlier side of normal definitely helped as there were less people around on the street, less people in the workplace upon arrival (didn't tell anyone yet... didn't seem appropriate and no-one asked) and more time to get the bare minimum of things done before disappearing at just after one to get home and eat lunch with Nicky. She's better still, smiling more, only watching a bit of shite daytime telly and eating healthily again after a couple of days of biscuits and coping-food. It's weird finding the balance between acting like the normal to which you know you must eventually return and acknowledging and acting appropriately to the circumstances but it's a little like attempting to act your age... without having been any particular age before it's impossible to know what to do and much easier to just do whatever needs to be done. If this involves reading Bryson books in order to find something to snigger at or just sitting quietly feeling the weight behind the eyes trying to escape then each is done as required.

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