
By KirstyHalbert


Woke up early today with my morning offshore phone call from M... I love those calls, mainly because I miss his voice, but also because it means that I usually get up and do something with my day instead of lounging in bed!

When I got up, I realised what a beautiful morning it was, so I took myself off to the River Dee and had a walk in the park. The weird thing about this photo is that it's not snow you can see at the edges of the river; it's crushed ice! The river is partly tidal (the harbour is less than a mile away in this photo), and the water had obviously frozen at high tide and when the water receded, the ice must have crunched together to look like snow. Since the sun was out, it was all creaking like mad, but I managed a couple of snaps before it all started to break away and dissolve in the saltwater of the harbour.

Later on, I met one of the girls from work for some lunch at my favourite restaurant in the city, Cafe 52. After a spectacular mushroom and goats' cheese burger, we shopped until we dropped (I think I could smell burning plastic from my purse)... Literally! I came home and flopped on the sofa to watch the Wales/Ireland rugby game (what a great match!), and chat to M on Skype. A lovely Sunday. How is it the end of the weekend already???

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