
By KirstyHalbert

A Is For...

... Apple: when you have nothing else to Blip in your flat.

How is it back-to-work time already? I wish I was still on holiday in our lovely candlelit cabin (although having an indoor/hot shower is nice!). I ended up back at the doctor's again today; what a pest. I haven't really felt well since Christmas, which is very unlike me. I've been given an inhaler for my awful-sounding cough, and hopefully that'll sort me out.

Tonight M and I watched The Wrestler and cuddled up on the sofa with some good food and a beer or two. I do love nights like these!

I've just realised that due to all my back-Blipping of late (holidays/work/general laziness, this is actually my 100th entry! I've really enjoyed this challenge, and will definitely continue to 365... I'd just like to say a big thank you to everyone who comments on a regular basis (plus those that just pop by every now and then!); your comments always bring a smile to my face (well, I am an egotistical soul).

Here's to the next 265!

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