A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

The coastal path below Ben Chracaig

Today was stove oven cleaning day. A big job that is done just once a year. Oh it is cleaned at the end of each evening and more thoroughly once a week but this is the pre-season thorough jobby. It took me most of the day.

So it was about 3-30 or 3-45 before we could get out for some excercise. Already the sun w2as much lower in the sky and the warmth felt during the day was waning.

Having walked along to Black Rock or Sgeir Mhor as it says on the map, we continued on towards Torvaig. It is from this path that we saw the vessel attending to the Fish Farm. I have no idea what they were about but it is possible that they were harvesting Salmon.

We continued on and across the fields below Torvaig and then climbed up the track leading to the township. From there we returned to Portree. A good walk giving us a chance to stretch the legs and helping me to get a little fitter.

Though it remained sunny until the sun went behind the hill, there was a strong wind which was jolly cold. I was glad to get back indoors.

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