Red Glasses

By redglasses


The moon looks brilliant in the sky tonight - I think it's a full moon, looks pretty round anyway! It had a yellowish gaze around it earlier, but I think it's frozen off by now. When Craig and I were a bit younger, mum and dad showed us the moon one night with a multicoloured halo around it. It looked as though you were seeing the moon through a camera lens, rather than your own eyes. Apparently this rainbow like halo only happens on very, very cold nights. I think it was the same night that we stayed up to see a comet (I think it was Halley's comet, but I may be wrong).
When I was younger, I really thought I was going to grow up to be an astronomer. Mum and dad bought me a telescope from Jessops, which I only really ever used to spy on the neighbours... I regret not having used it more, not having kept it. It would have been pretty cool to have seen the moon through a telescope tonight, the sky has been really clear and frosty for a few nights now. Ah well, it's funny the things you regret when you get a wee bit older. I wouldn't go as far to say older, thus wiser. I don't think I've quite got to that stage yet!!!

- Would have looked sharper, but my tripod is at mum and dad's house!

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