Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Avenue of Trees

Would you believe that this is less than 100 metres from home. All those trees? so little time. Sigh!
We went Blip hunting right after Grub and headed off on a trip that skirted the edge of town. A great walk past the Golf Club and eventually arrived at the Post Office and then along the lake front and home. This is a "lead" walk cos The Boss doesn't trust me close to roads especially ones with heavy traffic and sudden loud noises. He says us Wheaten's are a bit highly strung and if surprised will run straight at loud noises which could be a 20 ton concrete truck. I think it's really nice that he looks after me so well. It kinda gives me a warm feeling especially if I am in the sun. Sigh! The trees are the entrance to Wanaka Station Park which we live on the edge of and I can put my paw on my heart ( well I could if I knew where it was) and declare that I have never never done anything to any of these trees. Honest. Would I fib to you. How could you even think such a thought. Sigh again.

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