My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Dancing In The Moonlight

I used to be a werewolf but I'm alright noooooooow! chortle, chortle.......sorry ;)

I'd thought of titling this blip 'Bad Moon Rising' but I'm an optimist, not a pessimist and besides, why be 'down', when you can be 'up'!
It's better for you in the long run. :)

I know the moon affects the tides and it can also have an influence on some people, well isn't that how lunatics got their name?

But I like the moon, I like to see it in the evening sky, with it's reassuring glow.
And I do hope that in the not too distant future, i.e. my lifetime we make a concerted effort to go back (if only to silence the conspiracy theorists)

I was three years old when Neil Armstrong stepped into the history books as the first man on the moon. I was probably more into twinkle, twinkle little star at that age.

Onwards and Upwards!

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