
By Notebooker

A blip from my inner chimp

Thanks to everyone for their comments on my 100th yesterday!

Today - some colourful drums near the railway station in Chorley. I was going to blip something else, but I liked this impulsive shot when it came out...

I quite enjoyed Midweek this morning on Radio 4. A guest, Steve Peters, talked about his new book 'The Chimp Paradox'. Essentially, his idea is that our 'minds' are composed of 'the machine', 'the human' and 'the inner chimp'. The inner chimp is the emotional and impulsive part which we need to learn to control. However, we don't always need to suppress the chimp (this is the paradox) - we can also use it positively.

I identified with this idea. It was my inner chimp that completed my PhD for me (rage!!) and my inner chimp got me to an interview on Fri that I really didn't want to attend (again, essentially rage, I'm afraid!).

Hmmm... maybe I need to get in touch with the more positive aspects of my inner chimp and let her out...

Song - Led Zep again, 'Moby Dick' - for the drums and chimp-like joy of the solo...

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