Come Rain or Shine

By Ceb1977

In Silent Contemplation

OK .... so, I was meant to be visiting the first of a series of monthly night markets (which happen to run through the day as well) in Barker's Pool during my lunchbreak. to see if I could grab a few shots as well as a bargain but turned up to an empty venue. I've since learned that the markets have been postponed until April!

However, not wishing to return to the office empty handed and with an hour of freedom at my fingertips, I decided to drop into Sheffield Cathedral - a magnificent building I pass every single day but never find the time to look inside. I'm not an especially religious soul but do understand and appreciate the beauty of these sanctuaries of calm and silent reflecti0n.

I took a number of shots and spent much of my time focusing on the quite stunning Lantern window aflood with colour (even on a cloudy day like today!) but as I was packing away my camera, crouched on the floor, I looked up to see this lady sat by herself in silent contemplation and it was something I had to capture.

It's not an especially crisp picture - which is what you often find in low light situations, without a tripod and whilst grabbing the shot in the growing urgency not to be late back to work - but I like it for its sense of peace. And on the day, 60 years ago, that Elizabeth II found out that she was now Queen after the death of her father a few days previously, this view of quiet contemplation is quite apt.

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