Come Rain or Shine

By Ceb1977

The Learner

My intention, when I packed up the car and set off this morning, was to find the Nine Ladies Stone Circle (apparently situated on Stanton Moor about 6 miles south-east of Bakewell, Derbyshire) as I thought it would be a perfect subject for a snow-covered scene.

However, could I find these stones?!! Could I heck!! So, getting colder and colder and more urgently needing to answer the call of nature, I dropped into Bakewell itself for a wander.

Bakewell is a pretty market town in the heart of Derbyshire and offers the visitor a very pleasant way to spend a few hours browsing round the shops and enjoying the real Bakewell tart - or pudding as it is properly known (none of this Mr Kipling malarkey!). However, for me, it doesn't offer much in the way of photographic opportunity - bearing in mind, I've less of an eye for landscapes than other forms of the art.

That said, photography isn't always about what's in front of you and it often pays to look behind and see what you may have passed without realising and this shot was the result of exactly that - simply turning around! And I think it's paid dividends in that I chuckled at the thought that the rider of the bicycle clearly knows their limitations and feels the need to warn other road users that they're perhaps a bit of a liability - in a nice way of course!!

And I can relate to that on so many levels ;o) ....

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