seen by highonahill

By highonahill


I really struggle to find time to blip in the early part of the week.

What with work (trust me, there's little that's blippable there), school runs, homework help, chores and getting Children of Mine to their various activities - Guides, Cubs and trampolining - it seems that the opportunities to stop and take a moment to look around for inspiration are few and far between. Not to mention the time I spend at rehearsals and learning lines for the March play.

So tonight it was a quick trip round the garden when I got back from rehearsal to snap the silhouette of the house by the eerie light of the moon. Husband of Mine, having heard my car pull in, wondered if I'd been sitting in my car all that time. Nope, I replied, just wandering in the garden in the dark, in sub-zero temperatures, with my camera.

I think he now realises how obsessional taking a photograph a day can become ;-)

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