
Really not in the mood to go out chasing photos for the "overgrown" challenge this evening... I'm poorly with a cold, and so are both the boys.

Ben was watching the Tweenies this morning and came into the kitchen to tell me that he had a cough (which he does, and has had a few days) "like Doodles, mummy." Head down, looking dejected. Thanks Tweenies, you've taught him to feel sorry for himself. Not impressed!

Ben has definitely grown up recently though. I learnt this morning that the more hands-off I am, the more independent he is. He did some sticking of different textures, opening the glue by himself, applying the glue by himself, choosing what pieces of materials to stick down. I learnt yesterday that if I go to see what he's doing he instantly wants me to do everything for him, so I let someone else assist today and it had a much more positive reaction!

We've sort of grazed all afternoon. Crisps (not for me) and bread and cheese. I made cake balls in between sitting down nursing one or the other of the boys (thankyou Hazel for the idea and method, although my quantities need refining as I put WAY too much buttercream in to bind the crumbled cake!), and my sewing pile remains as big as ever.

Put Charley in cloth nappies this afternoon and either it was the day for it or cloth nappies changed his posture sufficiently but he has poo'd almost every 45 minutes, requiring a new nappy each time. The liner does make it easy to clean him up though, the poo sticks to the liner instead of his bum!

Ben's been helping Steve up in the loft this evening. I can't tell you what they were doing as I don't actually know, but they were having fun (I think)!

And I've lost another bit of tooth. This time it was the tooth next to the crown-that-was-not-really-a-crown (long story) that has crumbled.

I would like a new complete set of teeth really. Mine are rubbish :(

So until the crown on the other side gets done on Friday I'm officially on soup.



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