party of 5

By partyof5


......"just one more candle and a trip around the sun"

Well, it took me 13 months to hit the BIG 365, but I did it and I couldn't be happier. Happy to still be blipping (never thought I'd make it this far), happy to have found a new hobby that I love and happy to have gotten to know all you fabulous people! You have inspired me with your amazing photography skills and talent, blessed me with your kind comments, shared your lives with me, you have made me laugh and cry. Thanks especially to all my "regulars" (you know who you are) and thanks to Mallary for introducing me to Blip. It is an amazing place and I don't think I will be stopping any time soon. I started blipping (on my phone) to keep track of all the little things that my kids did and I have done that, but it also has become so much more. I treasure looking back at how much they are changing. I can't believe how much Sam has bloomed and grown, Will has managed to get smarter and even more witty and Lily has gone from newborn to toddler! Thank you Paul for supporting me and giving me the time I need to do this, it means so much. Thank you also for taking my portrait today, never thought you would be blipping did you? I love you and I am so very proud of our little party of 5!

"just enjoy this ride on my trip around the sun
just enjoy this ride ..... until it's done"!
~Jimmy Buffett

Thank you Blippers from the bottom of my heart!


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