This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today started off early and with a plan. We headed to Real Foods to get the 10% earlybird discount. Stewart stuffed his bag with Tofu and then we headed on to the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. We were there right as they opened, 10 am. Stowed our stuff in a locker and walked around checking it all out. The building is beautiful. The ceiling and the corridor in the middle are stunning. I think I enjoyed the building more than the exhibitions.

Honestly, I need to go back before I can make any real judgment on the place as soon after we arrived my lower back, left kidney area started really hurting and was hampering my enjoyment of the art. We left before we saw it all, came home and I just took it easy for the rest of the day. That is why dear blippers you have a picture of a light. I jazzed it up for you as much as I could. :)

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