This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

the price of dinner

After a fitful, awful and nauseous sleep I woke up to greet the day. I was relieved to feel better. I don't know what the hell that was, but I hope it stays away. I still didn't feel quite myself, but I thought a walk would do me good so I headed out with Stewart to the frame shop where he needed to pick up his panels for the rest of his exhibition. It was a good thing I came along as he had six panels and four frames to carry home, so I helped.

The walk did me the good I hoped, yet that was still all she wrote for the day. I spent the rest of the day on the sofa with the laptop. I read some news from my town about the underground situation that I left behind- very interesting is all I will say.

Later there was Chinese food delivered and a Tales of the City marathon. I know I will sleep better tonight.

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