Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Ice and easy does it!

With more snow forecast for today I think getting around could be interesting tomorrow.

The main roads are fine but the pavements are very bad, ice and non melted snow making the going dodgy!

The few and the brave (not counting the stupid, people with no intelligence or idea of their mortality!) are still out on the bikes. I saw several 'whoops e daises' today and some nasty bruises will undoubtedly be evident tomorrow!

Grey skies and even more grey expressions made for poor picks today, Inventive shots looked flat and frankly rubbish.

Before work, I sat thinking about life as I do, on a very quiet Green in the city. No noise, unlike summer, surrounded me, the odd bird sang and then decided that it was just too damn cold and couldn't be bothered. My nose began to run, what was the point of sitting there.... one last pic.

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