My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Love's Not A Competition (But I'm Winning)

It's another day ending with a Y, so it must be time for a gig.

And who's in the 'burgh tonight?

Why it's Leeds finest export, the Kaiser Chiefs!
A great bunch of guys, they know how to put on a show and they always give 100% when doing so. ;)

Opening the show with a crowd pleasing 'Everyday I Love You Less And Less' they turn the volume up to 11(spinal tap fans will get that) and power through hit after hit.

Around the halfway point, they introduce us to Ruby,Ruby,Ruby,RUBY!
Closely followed by 'Angry Mob' which the audience were anything but.

Ricky (Wilson) doesn't like to stay on the stage the whole time, if he can help it. One minute he's down in the mosh pit, the next he's scaled a speaker stack, a little later he's off up the stairs and singing whilst walking through the circle/balcony. All the time being followed by a team of security men, incase of overzealous fans perhaps.

A few songs later and 'I Predict A Riot' sends us all into a frenzy of hands in the air, feet stomping on empty plastic pints glasses (why do we still call them glasses) whilst singing along at the top of our voices!

A few more numbers, some of them new to us and the band leave the stage, only to return a few minutes later for the encore.

'Love's Not A Competition (But I'm Winning)' the title of tonights blip and OH MY GOD are the final numbers before they bid us a final farewell.

The crowd are happy, the band are too!

Now all that's left to do is clear the venue, slowly! shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.

Ooh eye spy a setlist!
Ask for setlist,
Get setlist,
Get band to sign setlist
All in all, a great night.

'Lets do it all again tomorrow night!'
Sorry guys, I'm working tomorrow, you'll just have to go on to Glasgow without me.
I know it won't be as much fun 'cause I won't be there but try and have a good time. ;)

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