A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

'S' no Fun Being Snow Bound!

Home territory and a nightmare beginning to our car journey back home.We were surprised to find our car had been moved and cordonned off in the multi storey long stay car park.We assumed the worst and hubby spent a good five minutes checking the bodywork out for any damage.Finding nothing , he set offf to find someone to explain.It turned out they had been doing maintenance work and had moved the car to a safe spot without leaving any explanatory note.
Eli was safely installed back in Glasgow by early evening which was a great relief, as she was travelling alone by car.Fraz found himself in Gatwick with his luggage still in Charlotte.He arrived home after three torturous train journeys.
Leo and Scott were back on the high seas recovering from being masked and suited to deep steam clean cabins on turn around day, after an outbreak of Nora virus.Not the most pleasant of tasks.
As for us-----jet lag was furthest from our minds as we relived every moment of our trip.Definitely one for the memory box.

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