Sole Trader

Shoes By Gordon.

Great fun :)

This was the last day of school before the half-term break and Gordon's class had set up their Shoe Museum, displaying all the shoes they had made. They had started by drawing round their own feet to make the soles, and used different materials to make a shoe style of their choice. These are apparently hiking boots! Well, they look very comfortable, almost like slippers ;)

I asked the teacher who had this daft and brilliant idea, and she told me it was actually in the official curriculum. Wow. So, I had a look on the Scottish Curriculum For Excellence web site and I can see that it fits neatly into the Technologies curriculum area Experiences and Outcomes:

Through discovery and imagination, I can develop and use problem-solving strategies to meet design challenges with a food or textile focus.

Having evaluated my work, I can adapt and improve, where appropriate, through trial and error or by using feedback.

So, it's all very constructive. Obviously, but also theoretically. Great!

Other than that, I worked at home and took some pictures of the blue tits feeding at the window. A couple on Flickr.

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