Step Change

Here's the new Waverley Steps which a friend told have me re-opened recently after being closed for ages. So, with 10 minutes til the 9pm train left, I went for a shufty. There's a huge escalator now, and the this cost £7m. Marvellous. How much is the whole station costing!?
The Evening News had a go today after there were problems with rain. For goodness sake. In Scotland.

Camera on the broth-bag, plonked on a handy sign. Manual settings: 1 second exposure with a small aperture and ISO 400.

Big Steps.

After spending a few days shackled to my computer to diagnose the problem with some very expensive computer systems, I went to Edinburgh today and spoke to adults. Wow. It's quite easy to get isolated when I'm doing this sort of work, but I find it best to be immersed in the problem to find the solution. Really, it's detective work - if you don't have the stomach for human intrigue then debugging software is a great substitute. And the least likely suspect is often the culprit - this time part of the network setup despite all the attention being paid to more memory, more CPU and better database efficiencies. Very interesting.

A quiet evening after a late arrival home and the children will be here for the weekend so I'll enjoy a bit of a slouch whilst I get the chance :)

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