A place in time

By Verbosa

Cotton wool?

Or at least that's what it looked like.

After snowfall last night (only about 2"), I walked down to work and was struck by the fluffy snow on this bush as I walked by. It was so thick and just like cotton wool that I did a quick back-track to snap it. Made myself a few minutes late by snapping quite a few things as I went down...but they were just normal-ish snow-ish snap-ish snaps. So I plumped for this instead.

But today was my first trial of my new ice gripper gizmos on the bottom of my walking boots. And they were great! No slipping or sliding on the snow and ice underneath - I managed to stride out without a care in the world. Terrific!

On the way home from work I stopped off in the Co-Op (am I allowed to say that?) and picked up 3 pizzas to make an easy tea/dinner/supper (depending on your preference) that we washed down with the remains of a bottle of chilled white. Come to think of it, I've got that tray of brownies cooling down that ought to be ready to sample now... A good start to the weekend, methinks.


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