
By dailykeith

That's all folks

And so, after 31 years as a journalist, I am a free man!

I had a mixture of feelings on my last day in the company's Bristol office (pictured), where I have been based for two-and-a-half years. I was pretty sad for much of the time, while having to work flat out and stay focused to the end.

But then I was taken completely by surprise by my colleagues, who presented me with a book and some wine after Dave L made a lovely speech.

I say 'surprise' because I wasn't meant to be in this office today - even though it is my base - but another one 50 miles away.

I was really touched that my colleagues went to this trouble.

After the presentation, I made my way round the office saying farewell. The two daily editors, deputy editor, chief sub and news editor were all terrific, but so were the rest of the staff. It was a really memorable way to bow out.

Thanks to you all. It's been a real pleasure working in Bristol.

By the way, this is Tara in the picture, one of a very special group of colleagues on my bank of desks. I've absolutely loved working with our little group and I'll miss them loads.

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