SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

First day of Stephanie Summers Photography!

And it was spent in Starbucks, Ikea and taking pics of flowers!

Today was a great day.

A long lie, met friend, mother and brother in law for lunch at Starbucks. Went to Heathrow - of all places! - to return my last work item, then took a jaunt to Ikea Wembley for some bits and pieces.

The plans for new office look good, decided on desk and chair - always a good start!

Tonight I needed some stock images for teaching at studio and in college, so decided to use my leaving flowers as the perfect still life.

40 images later; I have what I need as teaching material and whipped the iPhone out quickly to shoot todays blip!

First day at studio tomorrow!! Excited and nervous!

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