The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys


It has been cold and snowy today, but my friend Helle has a hall to train in, so Jette, Helle and I met in Helle's hall to train dogs. The hall is not heated and it was freezing cold, but at least there was no snow and we were away from the wind too.

This year's first competition will be held next weekend, so we were testing all our new routines. Some were ready, some were not! All were good fun to perform :-).

We also celebrated Addi the Dachshund's birthday. Her favourite treat is shrimps, so she brought two big packs of shrimps to share with all of her friends!

This is Hero working on his brand-new routine to 'All For The Best' from the musical Godspell. It is very fast music, but Hero is a fast working dog, so it suits him perfectly. I looooooooooove this new routine and can't wait to get to perform it in a big ring wearing full costume etc. It will be so much fun! But nerve-wracking too! It is a very fast routine and it takes so little for it all to end in a big mess!

You can hear the music here, if you don't know it...

Enjoy your Sunday evening!
Emmy & the Hazyland boys

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