
By dailykeith


In addition to the job turmoil, I am currently in the middle of house move chaos.

I say 'in the middle', but actually our solicitor says it is possible we could move by the end of this week. Therefore, we have to be prepared for such an unlikely eventuality.

We are downsizing - moving from a four-bedroom house in Stroud to a two-bedroom one - and it is quite incredible just how much furniture and other stuff has to be sold/given away/dumped so that we can fit in our new abode.

But thanks to Mrs DK, we are well on course, even if the process leaves you frazzled. She is pictured in the flotsam and jetsam of our living room moving cans of WD40, kitchen roll and plastic bags.

I enjoyed a nice end to the evening in Bristol - meeting for a drink the 'special group of colleagues' I mentioned a few days ago. Yeah, I know it's only two days since I left!

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