Today's Special

By Connections

Mission Impossible?

Yesterday afternoon, as I observed M making dinner #2 for us, I glanced from the kale slowly cooking in olive oil, finely chopped ginger, and garlic to a little dish containing kumquats I'd bought earlier in the week, and the proverbial light bulb went on.

Lemon is what M serves with her kale dish, and I'd just been slicing one for that purpose. Kumquats have an even brighter taste, in my opinion, so I chopped up a few of those, as well. While halving them prior to chopping, my knife went through a seed that had a bright green center -- it was getting ready to sprout. I cut the others more carefully, and found a large, plump seed with a green tint to it, which I carefully stored in a jar lid with a little water so it wouldn't dry out.

Casting about for a blip today -- a dull, gray one, made duller by the absence of M's and W's energy and Phil having come down with a cold -- I remembered that seed, and decided to pot it and see if it would sprout. I didn't have any potting soil, but I did have the three little pansy plants from Friday's shopping that needed to be planted outside, so as I did that, I gathered some of their potting soil in the bright clay pot you see here.

An artistic friend of mine decorated this tiny pot (4 in/10 cm) for me several years ago, and I love it. If the kumquat seed does sprout, it won't be able to stay in this pot for long!

(We can't grow citrus trees outdoors here, but some people have had success with dwarf citrus grown inside.)

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