
Thank you so much yesterday for your lovely comments and for some reminders that all is not bad. I knew that anyway and today has been much better as it's the first day of a week off work. It's a funny thing stress, in theory we should be able to be positive all the time but when you are subsumed in an issue with all the added day to day minutiae that needs sorting it can be hard to remember to tap in to the positive and reflective part of your brain.

I am going to try and get on top of things this week and turn the spare room into a relaxation zone rather than the over spill from the jumble sale that it is.

Had a surprise phone call from someone last night that I had not heard from in a year, he lives abroad and it reminded me of how we sometimes get it wrong in this country, we flap around all the time and are somewhat obsessed with consumerism and the aesthetics of things that we forget to chill out. He lives in Spain and I have visited him there and the way of life is so different and just talking to him reminded me to chill

Have not done masses today,bit of a clean up and then took the girls up to St Ives estate in Bingley, this was in the woods and if this is not an inspirational view then I don't know what is.

Am feeling more relaxed although definetely need the next few days to fully recharge.

There is no linkage or sense in this write up which shows I must be feeling a little better, if I just add in a pinch of cynicism and lace it with the odd bit of swearing then that might just about make it business as usual!!

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