Pesky kidneys!

So we were down at Sandy Point at the holiday house having a nice time then on Saturday I started to feel a bit sick and couldn't wee properly then the pain came back. In my side similar to last time when I was 17 weeks and had a kidney stone. I tried to ride it out but at lunchtime I started vomiting and we went to the hospital.

They did all sorts of tests and ultrasound but couldn't definitely say it was a stone, either that or an infection. They let me go home at 7pm on Saturday night and I was feeling ok until midnight when the pain came back and I started vomiting again, every hour for about four hours and still couldn't wee properly! Not ideal!

We packed up this morning and came home and I just took it easy, laying on the couch mostly, with spence! Have had no pain and feeling pretty good!

The baby is fine which is great, still moving around heaps so that's a relief!

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