Hospital again!

After having a pretty good on Sunday and a great nights sleep Sunday night, things went downhill on Monday! I didn't go to work which was lucky because by mid morning I was in lots of pain again and vomiting.

Kaz drove me into monash medical where I am booked in to have the baby and we were able to bypass emergency and go straight up to the pregnancy assessment unit to get checked out.

They did some more tests and spoke to Danielle, my obstetrician, who wanted me admitted overnight. I was hooked up to a drip to try and flush out the stone if that is what it is, and I'm taking antibiotics for if it's an infection!

Last night was pretty good and the pain came back this morning again so I will be staying overnight again tonight and see what the results of my blood tests are tomorrow!

Kaz and Spence will be here to visit this evening after they go and visit kaz's mum, Cheryl who had her hip replaced last week.

I am 32 weeks today and the baby has been moving heaps which is good and has a good heart beat. I will take the rest of this week off work and see how I'm feeling next week. I was planning on finishing up after next week anyway.

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