October 4th Journal


My New Blog

Before the depression in October 2008 I was studying ethnology in The University of Iceland and my Professor in Folkloristics was English. One of the thing we had to do was to blog about our childhood and upbringing - a kind of ethnography of ourselves as an example of the nation - mine is here and I have not blogged since then. There are also some very short stories there.
I'm not on Facebook or any other website but this one, but it has kindled my need to write about the thing I love - like my language.
The name of the blog is Málþór (Language-Thor) a man's name I made up because we have a girl's name Málfríður (Language-beautiful) and I wanted something similar. Changing the last letter from r to f the word get a different meaning = obstructionism.
And I write about the abuse of the language, this first one is about people in the media constantly using "sem sagt" as an hesitation word - colud be "you know" in English. The link is here, but it is only in Icelandic.

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