Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

Welsh Brambling

After an uneventful crossing of a snow-strewn Pennines, we arrived at my Mum's for a short half-term break. 4yo has been pestering us for her trip to Granny's House, and was happiest of all to find everything as it should be. Of course 4yo's conception of "Granny's House" is not the same as my memory of the house we lived in as a family from when I was thirteen. The chimney stack in this image, for example, is part of a new housing development backing onto the garden that's an unwelcome addition for me, but just part of what's always been for her.

Sunday afternoon was spent catching up with family, so blipping was restricted to pointing the camera out of the window at the wider array of garden birds than we get at home. The Siskins, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Bramblings were the highlights, and would have been year ticks were I keeping anything other than a mental list, but only the Brambling was kind enough to pose nicely.

at my mother's house
just us
and the birds

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